We can take the webreference from the following location
Once we have added the webservice, we can use following generic method to call webservice
XmlNode CallWebService(bool isRecursive, ListsService listService,
string listName, string queryObj, string viewID, string viewFieldsInnerXml)
NetworkCredential credential = new NetworkCredential();
credential.UserName = "UserName";
credential.Password = "Password";
credential.Domain = "Domain";
listService.Credentials = credential;
// Instantiate an XmlDocument object
System.Xml.XmlDocument xmlDoc = new System.Xml.XmlDocument();
string viewName = string.Empty;
if (string.Empty != viewID)
viewName = viewID;
string rowLimit = "150";
System.Xml.XmlElement query = xmlDoc.CreateElement("Query");
System.Xml.XmlElement viewFields = xmlDoc.CreateElement("ViewFields");
System.Xml.XmlElement queryOptions = xmlDoc.CreateElement("QueryOptions");
if (isRecursive)
queryOptions.InnerXml = "<ViewAttributes Scope=\"Recursive\" />";
queryOptions.InnerXml = "";
if (string.Empty == queryObj)
query.InnerXml = "<Where><Gt><FieldRef Name=\"ID\" />" +
"<Value Type=\"Counter\">0</Value></Gt></Where>";
query.InnerXml = queryObj;
// Assign View fields
if (string.Empty != viewFieldsInnerXml)
viewFields.InnerXml = viewFieldsInnerXml;
viewFields.InnerXml = "<FieldRef Name=\"Title\" />";
System.Xml.XmlNode nodeListItems =
listService.GetListItems(listName, viewName, query,
viewFields, rowLimit, queryOptions, null);
return nodeListItems;
catch (Exception ex)
throw ex;
You can use this generic method for getting the list items.
Pass true to “IsRecursive” if you want to get items inside folder.Example:
string fields = "<FieldRef Name=\"FieldName1\" />
<FieldRef Name=\"FieldName2\" />";
XmlNode nodeListItems = CallWebService(true, l, "Answer Choices",
string.Empty, string.Empty, fields);
foreach (System.Xml.XmlNode listItem in nodeListItems)
if (listItem.ChildNodes.Count > 0)
foreach (XmlNode node in listItem.ChildNodes)
string choice = node.Attributes["ows_Title"]